Did You Know?

Out of love for our place and our dedication to delivering a major show each year, we are committed to making a positive environmental impact. Beyond the spectacular performances we bring to the community, we are also focused on achieving zero waste.

Teaming Up with Wānaka Wastebusters

This year, we partnered with Wānaka Wastebusters to audit our festival waste, and the results are in! We’re thrilled to announce that we successfully diverted a whopping 85% of our waste from landfill!

Recognition for Our Efforts

Sophie Ward, Business Development Manager at Wastebusters, praised our efforts, stating that we’re “working way above best practice” and expressed her excitement to continue collaborating with us in 2025.

Looking Forward to 2025

We couldn’t be more excited to continue this journey with our audiences, striving to reduce our waste even further and make an even greater impact on the environment!

A Big Thank You to Our Supporters

A huge thanks to the Otago Community Trust for their support of our festival and for funding our waste audit.

Memories from Aspiring Conversations waste audit

The featured image is of Sophie W at the beginning of our audit, where we got super intimate with all the waste… literally fun times! 😅

#Sustainability #ZeroWaste #WasteAudit #EnvironmentalResponsibility #ParisAgreement #LoveWanaka